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What’s Holding You Back?

 Alphabet Healing Doesn’t  Matter


What Matters is What Works for You!

Schedule A Discovery Session And  Begin Your Transformation Today!

Personal Solutions That Empower And Inspire

Transform Anxiety to Peaceful Tranquility

Discover lasting calm. Unlock your path to relaxation and well-being. 

Banish Fears and Phobias

Envision a future of possibility with a simple process that gets you past your fear, doubt, and even phobia.

Turn Procrastination into Motivation

Uncover the roots of procrastination.  Go from stuck to success.

Build Sustainable Energy Reserves

Develop resiliency to handle challenges as they arise with vitality and effectiveness.

Heal Lingering Negativity from the Past

Release negative emotions linked to past events and envision your brilliant future.

Improve Client Relationships

Build trust, ensure client satisfaction, and foster long-term client engagements.

“In any given moment we have two options: Step forward into growth or step back into safety.” ​Abraham Maslow

Take a Giant Step Forward

Schedule a Discovery Session 

Reframe Your Experience With Proven Tools and Techniques

Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT)

Discover the Healing Power of Scent for
Personal Transformation

NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP)

Master Your Mind, Reprogram Your Thoughts,
Master Your Life

  • Emotional Release: Let go of negative emotions and past traumas .
  • Stress Reduction: Experience reduced stress and a greater sense of calm.
  • Enhanced Motivation: Boost your motivation and remove mental blocks.
  • Improved Confidence: Build self-esteem and confidence.
  • Increased Clarity: Enhance mental clarity and focus on your goals.
Aroma Freedom Technique
  • Change Limiting Beliefs: Break free from self-imposed limitations.
  • Behavioral Change: Shift unwanted habits and behaviors with positive action.
  • Improve Communication: Build stronger relationships with better communication.
  • Control Your Experience: Develop confidence and motivation
  • Positive Mindset: Cultivate a more positive and proactive mindset.
Neurolinguistic Programming Session

Schedule a Session

What is AFT?

The Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) is a transformative process developed by Dr. Benjamin Perkus. It uses the power of essential oils to release negative emotions and thoughts, clear mental blocks, and achieve goals. It integrates the sense of smell with techniques from psychology to create rapid, lasting change.

AFT works by using specific essential oils to trigger memories and emotions stored in the brain. The process involves:

  • Set an Intention: Identify a goal or an area where you feel stuck.
  • Activate the Memory: Use essential oils to activate the memory or feeling associated with the block.
  • Process the Memory: Work through the memory or emotion using guided steps and breathing the aroma of specific essential oils.
  • Release and Reprogram:  Release negative thoughts and feelings and unlock new behaviors and opportunities.
  • Increase Motivation and Clarity: Boosts motivation and enhances mental clarity and focus.


What is NLP?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) offers powerful techniques to help you overcome fears and phobias by reprogramming your mind and transforming your emotional responses. By using specific methods such as the Fast Phobia Cure, anchoring, and reframing, you can desensitize yourself to triggers and replace fear-based reactions with calm and confidence. These techniques work by changing the way you perceive and process the fear-inducing situations, allowing you to reclaim control over your emotions and live a more empowered life.

  • Reduced Anxiety: Experience a significant reduction in anxiety related to your fears and phobias.
  • Improved Relationships: Strengthen relationships as fears and phobias no longer hinder social interactions.
  • Enhanced Resilience: Develop resilience to handle challenging situations with ease.
  • Empowered Decision-Making: Make decisions without being influenced by irrational fears.
  • Personal Freedom: Experience personal freedom by breaking free from the constraints of fears and phobias.

Schedule a Session